50 Die Hard Quotes About Life Full Of Meaning And Struggle

Die Hard Quotes – Film becomes an inspirational piece that we can take from it. There is a lot to learn in movies, say, meaningful dialogue. The film becomes a piece that is bound with inspiration and learning for all of us.

Moreover, film is an attractive business venture as it appeals to many because of its plot, dialogue and drama.

one of them, die hard Films we can study and devour.

die hard is an American film released in 1988. Directed by John McTiernan, the film stars Bruce Willis, Alan Rickman, Bonnie Bedelia, Alexander Godunov, Reginald Veljohnson and Paul Gleeson. Its release date is 15 July 1988.

The film became a success due to its acting and interesting storyline. We can learn many things from this movie which is full of inspiration and motivation for all of us.

Here are 50 die hard New motivational quotes from famous movies that inspire and motivate.

Die hard quotes about life full of meaning and struggle

1. “Oh man, I can’t believe this. Another basement. Another lift. How can the same thing happen twice to the same person?” – John McClane, ‘Die Hard 2’.

2. “Come to the shore, we’ll be together, laugh a little…” – John McClane, ‘Die Hard 1’.

3. “I promise I will never even think about going into a tall building again. oh god Please don’t let me die.” – John McClane, ‘Die Hard 1’.

4. “You threw a party. I didn’t know they celebrated Christmas in Japan.”

5. “‘Come off the shore, we’ll come together, laugh a little…'”

6. “But, all things being equal, I’d rather live in Philadelphia.”

7. “Yippee-ki-ye.”

8. “You would have made yourself a good cowboy, Hans.”

9. “Nine million terrorists in the world and I want to kill the one with shorter legs than my sister.”

10. “Yes. I accidentally got an invitation to a Christmas party. Who knew?”

11. “I promise I’ll never even think about moving into a tall building again. oh god Please don’t let me die.”

12. “Just a fly in the antman, the goose. Monkey in the Wrench.”

13. “John, why didn’t you try to stop them? Because then you’d be dead too, donkey!! Think God, think!” – John McClain

14. “I am an exceptional thief, Mrs. McClain. And since I’m on my way to kidnapping, you should be more polite.” – Hans

15. “With all the thrilling action, Die Hard knows how to maintain a wry sense of humor even with its villainous characters. Though pretending to be hardened terrorists with a list of Hans and other demands, they are really only interested in money.

16. “Nine million terrorists in the world and I want to kill the one with shorter legs than my sister.” – John McClain

17. “Come to the shore, we’ll have a party! – John McClain

18. “Oh God, I hope it’s not a hostage.” – Dwayne T. Robinson

19. “That’s a nice suit. It’s a shame to destroy it. ” – Hans Gruber

20. “Now I have a machine gun. Yes yes yes.” – Hans Gruber, ‘Die Hard’.

21. ” I wanted this professional, efficient, mature, cooperative. Not much to ask. Alas, your Mr. Takagi didn’t see it that way, so he won’t be joining us for the rest of his life. ” – Hans Gruber, ‘Die Hard’.

22. “On the night before Christmas, and throughout the house, no animal stirred except four men who came up to the rear in a two-by-two cover formation.” – Theo, ‘Die Hard’.

23. “You are the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.” – Captain Grant, ‘Die Hard’.

24. “Sgt. Al Powell: Actually, I think he’s a cop. Maybe not LAPD, but it sure is a badge.”

25. “Observer: Pay attention, whoever you are. This channel is reserved for emergency calls only, John McClain: No kidding, lady. Do you think I’m ordering pizza?” – ‘Die Hard’.

26. “Now I know what a TV dinner feels like.” – McClain

27. “Do you think I’m ordering pizza?” – McClain

28. “Only John can drive someone crazy.” – Holly

29. “Hey, you’re in charge? Well I’ve got some bad news for you Dwayne, it doesn’t look like you’re in charge of jack s*** from here on out. – McClain

30. “Just a fly in the ointment, the goose. Monkey in the Leaf. A pain in the ass.” – McClain

31. “He will not join us for the rest of his life.” – Hans

32. “No connection.” – Agent Johnson

33. “Hans, Bubby, I’m your white knight.” – Ellis

34. “Come to the coast, we’ll be together, laugh a little.” – McClain

35. “And Alexander wept, for he had no more worlds to conquer.” – Hans

36. “He wasn’t lying about Marco. He is on the road. Another was Heinrich. And his bag is missing.” – Karl

37. “Actually, I think he’s a cop. Maybe not LAPD, but it sure is a badge.” – Sergeant Al Powell

38. “Jesus Christ, Powell, he could be a bartender we all know!” – Dwayne T. Robinson

39. “I spent a weekend at a fighting ranch. You know that game about guns shooting red paint? You probably feel stupid.” – Hans Gruber

40. “No. (hands him the gun) Time for the real thing, Bill. All you have to do is pull the trigger.” – John McClain

41. “No more tables! where are you going now Let me give you some advice: the next time you get a chance to kill someone, don’t hesitate!!!” – Marco

42. “Come to the shore, we’ll be together, laugh a little.” – John McClain

43. “You are the most annoying security guard (on the radio).” – Hans Gruber

44. “Sorry, Hans. Wrong guess. Would you like to go into double jeopardy where the scores can really change?” – John McClain

45. “Just a fly in the ointment, the goose. A monkey in the low. A pain in the ass. – John McClain

46. ​​”It was the night before Christmas, and throughout the house, not a single creature was stirring, except four a****** coming up behind in the standard two-by-two cover formation.” – Hey

47. “Nice suit. John Phillips, London. I have to myself. Rumor has it that Arafat has bought it too. – Hans

48. “Thanks for the advice.”

49. “Nine million terrorists in the world and I want to kill the one with shorter legs than my sister.” – John McClain

50. “You Americans are all the same. Well, this time John Wayne isn’t riding off into the sunset with Grace Kelly.” – Hans Gruber

These are 50 die hard Meaningful and inspirational quotes for all of us, about life and struggles that are meaningful to all of us.

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