Valentine Day Pick-Up Lines To Woo Your Crush

Valentine Day Pick-Up Lines to Woo Your Crush

February is just around the corner and people will soon be gearing up to celebrate Valentine’s Week. If you are in a committed relationship, you need to spend some time thinking about what to gift your partner and make the day special for them. For the singles out there, it can be a tough time, but don’t worry about feeling sad when you’re all lovey- dovey around you on the most romantic day of the year — these Valentine’s Day pick-up lines can help you impress your crush and convince them to go on a date with you.

Talking about pick-up lines, it should be catchy, intelligent, romantic, funny and cute. People in relationships can also use these pick-up phrases to make their partners blush. Check out our compiled list of the best pickup lines for Valentine’s Day.

The best Valentine’s Day pick-up line

The best Valentine's Day pick-up line

1. When I look into your eyes I get lost in the wonders of heaven.

2. I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I saw you.

3. I am deeply grateful for the beautiful gift you have given me. I have had this beautiful smile on my face ever since you gave it to me.

4. Is it true that hugs and kisses are love languages? If yes, would you care to talk to me about it?

5. I thank Kamadeva that he heard my prayer this time and gave me your love.

6. If you are a song, you are definitely the best song.

7. I wasn’t really in a happy mood today, but you made me so happy.

8. Can you give me a hug? I promise to pay it back.

9. You look so good, please be mine!

10. Life without you is like a broken pencil. It is pointless and pointless.

11. Happy Valentine’s Day Darling!

12. People always say that Disneyland is the place that can make you the happiest, but being with you does it for me.

13. Although, I like to play hide and seek but I won’t play with you because I won’t find anyone like you.

14. This Valentine’s Day, we’ll watch a Netflix movie, and not watch it.

15. Did you hurt when you fell from heaven?

16. Twinkle twinkle little star, you are my lucky charm.

17. I don’t need to visit the casino to win anything, because I won your love.

18. You know I haven’t been getting much sleep lately because reality is better than dreams. And after I see you, I don’t want to sleep again.

19. Do you believe in God? Because I am sure that you are the only answer to my prayers.

20. Your smile brightens my day more than a thousand stars.

Funny Valentine’s Day pick-up line

21. You’re so sweet you can put chocolates out of business.

22. Quick Question: Do you have a map? I’m asking because every time I look at you I get lost in your eyes.

23. Aren’t you tired? Because you are running in my mind all day long.

24. Are you sure you are not a search engine? I’m asking because you’ve got everything I’ve been looking for.

25. Hi, I can’t find my phone. Can you please call me to help me migrate it?

26. Hey, are you sure we haven’t met before? It seems you come into my dreams every day.

27. If you don’t like raisins, that’s okay! what are yours feelings About the date?

28. On a scale of one to infinity, how free are you tonight?

29. I’m not Chandler, but can I make you my Monica?

30. Are you revengeful? Because you impress me so much with your personality and abilities!

31. I’ll buy you dinner tonight, but you’ve promised me you’ll be my dessert.

32. Are you sure you’re not an electrician? I’m asking because lately you’ve been lighting up my days and nights.

33. If you were a Transformer, you’d be my ‘Optimus Fine’.

34. I don’t need to have Twitter or Instagram, because I already follow you.

35. I always wondered why Solomon had so many wives, but now I know the answer. Because he has never met anyone like you.

36. My God, someone please call the police. It is illegal to be charming.

37. I thought this was a cafe, but I was wrong. It is a museum because you are a beautiful work of art.

38. Do you have any idea what my clothes are made of? Perfect boyfriend material!

39. Sorry, did you know you just dropped something — yes, that’s my jaw.

40. Are you in debt? I’m asking because you have all my passion.

41. Do you have any idea what’s on the Valentine’s Day menu? I am-nu.

Cheesy Valentine’s Day pick-up line

Cheesy Valentine's Day pick-up line

42. Hello, you are very beautiful and I am a bit cute. Do you want to be very cute together?

43. No, it’s not gravity that makes me fall for you every time, but your sweet nature.

44. I apologize for not getting you a box of chocolates on this special day, if you want something sweet, my love is here for you.

45. I want to take a walk in the park because you take my breath away.

46. ​​​​Here’s the menu for Valentine’s night: candles, music, chocolate, cake, wine and you.

47. Hi, you know I found out last night that I have all the numbers, but not yours.

48. I don’t have my teddy bear. Will you please give me a big hug tonight?

This is the best Valentine’s Day ever hold the line To tell your special someone.

49. There’s something in your eye. Oh wait, that’s a glow!

50. would you give me a hug please I want to tell my friends that a beautiful, beautiful angel has touched me.

51. I think you know time travel because I always see you in my future.

The best Valentine's Day pick-up line

52. Do you have a BandAid? I need this because I hurt my knee falling in love with you.

53. I desire I had the strength to arrange the alphabet due to the fact then I might positioned U and I together.

54. I think there is an airport nearby because my heart is racing.

55. So, what do you like to do besides make my heart beat all day?

56. I only need you to complete my life.

57. Do you know how to perform CPR?   I’m asking because your looks are killing me.

58. I am sure all the angels in heaven must be jealous of you, after all, you are the best angel among all.

59. The rose is red, the violet is blue, I am so happy to meet you.

60. I am not a king, but you certainly are queen of my heart


Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, be romantic, fun and maybe a little cheeky. These Valentine’s Day pick-up lines will help you pique your crush’s interest and up your romantic game with your better half. You can text these lines or say them in person, but be gentle and respectful. Make February 14th the most romantic and exciting day of the year with these cute quotes, candlelit dinners and long walks.

#Valentines #Day #PickUp #Lines #Woo #Crush

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